Know How To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours Or Less.

marijuana drug test leaf  

This Is Where You Learn How To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours Or Less.

As you've more than likely realized, there is an abundant amount of information online to learn how to pass a drug test in 24 hours or less for urine, hair, saliva or blood. There are many simple ways to pass a marijuana drug test. If you know a week ahead of time before your test, see if you can stop smoking to allow your body to start naturally detoxifying itself. While not smoking, drink lots of fluids while peeing frequently and this will also help cleanse your body of the marijuana toxin. Just make sure you are not drinking a lot of water on the day of your test because this will show up on the test that the urine sample collected is diluted (too watered down).

Learn how to pass s drug test in 24 hours or less for urine, hair, saliva or blood  

The Quality Of Internet Advice On The Best Way To Pass A Drug Test On Short Notice. The internet’s advice on the best way to pass a drug test on short notice is sometimes good. However, some is bad and some is blatantly wrong. In this article, we show you what to do and what not to do to in learning the best way to pass a drug test on short notice. We will show you how to take advantage of each drug test's weakness and how to stay away from each test's strengths.

If you cannot quit smoking in a timely enough period, there are many options to make sure you pass a marijuana drug test. There are drink solutions that will strip your body of the toxins as wells as herbal cleansing substances and synthetic urine samples. These will help a person pass their marijuana drug test if they follow the directions carefully. Hair follicle testing is a type of test that has a longer life span for the drug to be detected on the test. A product that will work for this type of test is a shampoo that will strip your hair of toxins and residue that may be present on the hair shaft. Hair follicle shampoos can be used all over the body where hair is visible and able to be tested. Blood testing for marijuana usage will only be detectable for a couple hours, making sure not to smoke 48 hours before your blood test will help give you passing results.

Oral or swab testing is just like blood testing. Marijuana can only be detected for a couple hours after consumption. Making sure not to smoke for at least 48 hours beforehand is the best way to ensure to pass this test. The THC in the oral fluids is hard to detect after the 48-72 hour window. With the type of technology labs have today, they are able to test for any type of drug and anything that may show up on the test that the sample collected has been tampered with.

Some drugs stay in a persons system longer than other types of drugs. You can refer to our drug testing detection times for accurate time frames. Occasional marijuana smokers the THC will only stay in there system for about ten days depending on there weight and size. For more of a habitual smoker it will stay in there system a lot longer when someone is being tested using a urine or hair follicle test. With out wanting to use helpful solutions, make sure you have a heads up on when your test will be so you can start naturally detoxifying your body.

Clear Choice has been helping people successfully learn how to pass a drug test since 1993. We have had hundreds of thousands of satisfied clients. We are experts and we are here to help you pass your drug test quickly, inexpensively and with the least risk possible.

How To Pass A Drug Test Today

You Must Have The Most Up To Date Information. Above all, this article has been written to be as accurate and up to date as possible.

Learn The Best Way To Pass A Drug Test On Short Notice

There are methods, techniques and products to help pass a drug test that need to be understood and followed. This information applies if you need to pass a drug test tomorrow or pass a drug test in the future. You need to understand the process and make the investment in time and materials that will place you in the driver’s seat for the test you are facing.

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Drug Tests. Each of these tests has their own unique weaknesses in which we can take advantage of and each of these tests has their own unique strengths that we must avoid. We will provide you with the information needed to make your way through these different types of drug tests. Follow our advice and you will have increased your chances to detox for drug testing to the maximum level possible.

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Need To Learn How To Detox For A Drug Test?

If you want to understand how to pass a drug test, your must have a basic understanding of the detox process. Watch this quick video and apply this knowledge to the rest of this article.

Watch This Quick Video On Detoxification.


The Four Main Types Of Tests Explained.

Learn How To Pass A Urine Drug Test.

Urine Drug Test - The urine drug test is the most common due to its inexpensive simplicity to administer, accuracy and immediate results.

The common urine drug test is also the easiest to beat. There are more complex (expensive) urine drug tests that are harder to beat. These are relatively rare and most often used to confirm a failed test when a contested, legal or financial ramification is possible.

Learn How To Pass A Hair Drug Test.

Hair Drug Test - The hair drug test can detect drug usage in any hair that was growing anywhere on your body at the time you used the drug.

Example: If you used 12 months ago the hair growing at that time is still on your body, it can be detected.

The hair drug test can also tell when and how much of a specific drug was used. However, these specific hair drug tests are rare.

How To Pass A Mouth Swab Saliva Drug Test.

Saliva Drug Test - The saliva drug test (also known as Mouth Swab) can be given anytime, anywhere. The results are accurate and immediate.

The saliva drug test is not affected by the standard "tricks" and "techniques" used to beat the urine drug test. Because of these advantages, the saliva drug test is replacing the urine test. The saliva drug detection times are generally shorter than a urine test.

How To Pass A Blood Drug Test.

Blood Drug Test - The blood drug test is very accurate, is the least used and must be administered by a heath care professional. It is currently the gold standard of drug testing. The blood drug test is most often given by insurance companies or law enforcement and is expensive to administer.

NOTE: Expect a urine drug test along with the blood test. The combination of these tests provides both a short and long-term look at your drug exposure.

How Accurate Are These Drug Tests?

If drugs are present, there should normally be a positive test result.

Many things can affect the accuracy of these tests:

• the way in which the test was implemented.
• the way in which the test sample was stored.
• the way in which the test sample was handled by the administrator.
• what the person ate or drank before taking the test.
• any prescription or over-the-counter drugs the individual may have taken before the test.

Need A Quick, Safe And Reliable Way To Pass Your Drug Test?

Safe – Reliable – Undetectable – Legal. The most proven and best way to pass a drug test on short notice is to use a proven detoxification product. These products have been proven over decades and with literally millions of consumers. The reason that these products are so popular is because they really do work.

Many professionals in detox treatment facilities, health care industries, hospitals, etc. have been recommending our products throughout the world for years because they work! Our products are legal to own and use. Our product's ability to detoxify the body in relation to testing is ideal and we all can take legal advantage of this. Our products even have a 200% Money Back Product Guarantee.

Urine Drug Test

Purchase Clear Choice To Pass A Urine Test.

Clear Choice

• Alternate Products
• Immediate Cleansing
• Cleans Urine & Blood
• Free Self Test with Value Packs ($25+ Value)

Hair Drug Test

Purchase Clear Choice Shampoo To Pass A Hair Test.

Hair Follicle Shampoo

• Any Hair Type
• Any Length Hair
• Easy To Use
• Hair Will Look Great

Saliva Drug Test

Purchase Supreme Klean Mouthwash To Pass A Saliva Mouth Swab Drug Test.

Supreme Klean Mouthwash

• Swish In Your Mouth
• Works Immediately
• Fits In Your Pocket
• Value Packs Available

Blood Drug Test

Purchase Rescue Cleanse To Pass A Blood Drug Test.

Rescue Cleanse

• Cleans Blood & Urine
• Trusted Since 1993
• Immediate Cleansing
• Free Self Test ($40 Value)


How To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours Or Less.

Instructions On How To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours Or Less.

Many consumers are very concerned with how to pass a drug test in 24 hours or less. Most people do not leave time for the body to detoxify itself naturally, gradually and permanently.

For those who need same day results we have the information, experience, strategies and most effective products available today. For most consumers, this is the most effective route to follow.

Completely Detox Your Body Permanently and Fast.

Discover How To Completely Detox For A Drug Test.

Do you have 5-15 days and the will power to completely detox for a drug test?

If so then our Pre-Cleanse Formula can detoxify your body fast... completely and permanently.

You can be completely toxin free until you choose to reintroduce new ones into your system.

The Rules On How To Pass A Drug Test in '18-'19.

The Do's And Don'ts Of To Pass A Drug Test.

This is the strategy everyone is talking about for learning how to pass a drug test on short notice.

Discover what to do and what not to do to pass any drug test. Learn how to take advantage of each drug test's weaknesses and how to stay away from the each drug test's strengths.

Accurate Drug Detection Times Are Critical.

Find Your Drug Detection Times.

Knowing accurate drug detection times are critical to your outcome and success.

Drug detection times vary by the particular drug used, by the amount of usage and by many factors unique to you. This includes your height, weight, etc.

These factors can shorten or lengthen drug detection times significantly in many cases.

What Shows Up On Your Test?

Drug tests indicate if one or more prescriptions or illegal drugs are present. Typical tests will detect Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, Phencyclidine (PCP), Barbiturates, Benzodiazepenes, OxyContin / Oxycodone, Methamphetamine (Meth | Crystal Meth), Buprenorphine, Methadone, MDMA (Ecstasy), Propoxyphene (PPX), as well as Tricyclic Antidepressants.

Drug tests can also detect some over-the-counter products, prescriptions, illegal drugs and prescription medications. Some over-the-counter items will produce the same positive test results as illegally abused drugs and medications.

What Shows Up On A Drug Test?

The Types Of Tests:

Basic Tests. Most basic tests contain the following five toxins: Cocaine, Marijuana, Amphetamines, Opiates and PCP. This includes any substance that contains any amount of that drug or its derivatives. This is the one you can expect for a DOT Drug Test (Department of Transportation) or most any federal, state or local government agency test.

The Enhanced Test. There are other tests that are available in an amazing combination of drugs. They can range from a test for a single drug all the way up to a single test for up to 14 specific drugs. Tests for a large number of drugs are becoming more common as these tests do not cost much more than a basic test. Many employers will just choose one of these enhanced tests primarily for liability issues. Most legally mandated tests include more than the typical five shown above. You really never know exactly how many toxins the test will detect for... but it is always safe to assume it will detect at least the standard 5-6 toxins.

The Laboratory Drug Test. Some employers require all drug tests to be performed at a laboratory. This is usually done to confirm the positive drug result isn't a certain food, a random food supplement, beverages or medicines that can cause a false positive result. This essentially is the same as being found guilty in a court of law when you are sincerely innocent. Laboratory tests are the most reliable way to confirm abuse of drugs. If you feel you have been judged positive and you are not, you should ask the laboratory for a high-resolution mass spectrometry screening.

Your Drug Test Could Have Two Steps.

• First, a quick and inexpensive test is often given. This could be at your location or you might be sent to a facility for testing. It just depends on the tester's policies or the type of drug test given. You can be judged guilty at this point and you can appeal the outcome. Both of these scenarios could trigger a more sophisticated lab based test.

• The second type of test could be given if you appeal the results or if there is a legal or safety ramification. This is most often a high-resolution mass spectrometry screening. The current or new sample would be sent to a laboratory for additional and more comprehensive testing. The high-resolution mass spectrometry screening is very accurate and is always admissible in court.

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How Long Do Drugs Stay In Your System?

The definition of a drug detection time is the time from when a drug can be first be detected until that drug is no longer detectable in your system.

There Is No Exact Time For How Long Specific Drugs Stay In Your System. Do not be fooled. How long drugs stay in your system will range from a few hours to many months depending on the specific factors applicable to you and your situation.

List Of The Most Comprehensive Drug Testing Detection Times

Drug Detection Times Vary By The Drug Test. The blood drug test will usually go back a few days for drug detection. At the other end, a hair drug test detection times are usually a minimum of 90 days.
Drug Detection Times Vary By The Specific Drug. Many drugs can only be detected for a few days where heavy users of weed could have urine detection times over 60 days. You can always test yourself to see if you test positive with an at-home test panel
Drug Detection Times Vary By Your Personal Makeup. Many of your personal factors can have a major impact on drug detection times. We will cover this in detail below and this can either be in your favor or count against you.

As stated before, the key to how to pass a drug test lies in taking advantage of each test's unique weaknesses and avoid each test's unique strengths.

Drug Detection Cut Off Levels For Drug Testing All drug tests are calibrated to begin to detect a drug at a certain concentration level in the medium being tested. This is called the drug tests "drug cut off level". If a drug concentration is under this level the drug test will not return a positive for that specific drug.

Most drug tests are available with various detection cut off levels. A different cut off level for drug testing means some tests are more sensitive others. You will probably not know the specific drug cut off level for your test. There is no way to control this factor.

Your Personal Factors Affecting Drug Detection Times:

Amount and Frequency of Use. Single or smaller doses of a drug are generally not as detectable for as long a period of time as chronic or long-term use.
Metabolic Rate. Individuals with slower body metabolism are prone to a longer drug detection times. People with high metabolisms tend to have shorter drug detection times.
Body Mass. Metabolism slows with increased body mass resulting in a longer drug detection times.
Body Fat Content. The components most testing looks for in your system are called metabolites. Your body stores excess metabolites in your fatty cells. Therefore, the more fat in your body, the longer the potential drug detection times will be.
Physical Activity. Physically inactive individuals tend to have a longer drug detection times in general as opposed to individuals that are very active on a daily basis.
Age. In general, human metabolism slows with age resulting in a longer drug detection times.
Overall Health. Human metabolism slows during periods of bad health which can also result in a longer drug detection times.

Learning How To Pass A Drug Test
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Do Not Base Your Outcome On Anyone’s Published Drug Detection Times.

As stated above, absolutely accurate drug detection times are a myth. Drug test detection times do vary based upon some factors that are in your control and some factors that are out of your control. But one has to have a base line to begin. Judging your drug detection times is difficult at best. If you really want the least risk to pass a drug test, you should either not do drugs or rely on the technology of detoxification for reliable results.

The drug detection times below are based upon a worst case scenario. This is why these times might be a bit longer than some published times. As you can imagine, it would not be prudent to base your decision on the shortest time drug detection times published. The drug detection times we publish are not only based upon worst case times published by across the major drug test manufacturers, but by real world experience over the past 20 years.

These Drug Detection Times Are Safe To Use.

We have included drug test detection times for most of the prescription and non-prescription drugs most will be tested for. We have included these times across all four of the major drug test mediums; urine, hair, saliva and blood.

For how many days does Adderall remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Alcohol remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do Amphetamines remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do long-acting Barbiturates remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do short-acting Barbiturates remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do Benzodiazepines remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Cannabis remain in your system?

1 Time: 6-9
1x Week: 12-19
3x Week: 23-36
Daily: 49-60
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2.5
3x Week: 3
Daily: 4
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Clenbuterol remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Cocaine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Codeine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Cotinine remain in your system?

1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 6
Daily: 15
1 Time: 4
1x Week: 4
3x Week: 4
Daily: 6
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 3
1x Week: 3
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Crack Cocaine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Crystal Meth remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Cyclobenzaprine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Ecstasy remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Fentanyl remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Flexeril remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Heroin remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Hydrocodone remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Ketamine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Loratab remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does LSD remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Marijuana remain in your system?

1 Time: 6-9
1x Week: 12-19
3x Week: 23-36
Daily: 49-60
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2.5
3x Week: 3
Daily: 4
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does MDMA remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Methadone remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Methamphetamine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Morphine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do Mushrooms remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Nicotine remain in your system?

1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 6
Daily: 15
1 Time: 4
1x Week: 4
3x Week: 4
Daily: 6
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 3
1x Week: 3
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Opiates remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Oxycontin remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does PCP remain in your system?

1 Time: 8
1x Week: 8
3x Week: 8
Daily: 11
1 Time: 4
1x Week: 4
3x Week: 4
Daily: 6
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 2
Daily: 3

For how many days do Peptide Hormones remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Percocet remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Phenobarbital remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Phentermine remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Propoxyphene remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Ritalin remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do Anabolic Oral Steroids remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days do Anabolic Oral Steroids remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Suboxone remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does THC remain in your system?

1 Time: 6-9
1x Week: 12-19
3x Week: 23-36
Daily: 49-60
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2.5
3x Week: 3
Daily: 4
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Tobacco remain in your system?

1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 6
Daily: 15
1 Time: 4
1x Week: 4
3x Week: 4
Daily: 6
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 3
1x Week: 3
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Tramadol remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Valium remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Vicodin remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

For how many days does Weed remain in your system?

1 Time: 6-9
1x Week: 12-19
3x Week: 23-36
Daily: 49-60
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2.5
3x Week: 3
Daily: 4
Hair Follicle
1 Time: 90
1x Week: 90
3x Week: 90
Daily: 90
Blood Work
1 Time: 2
1x Week: 2
3x Week: 3
Daily: 6

For how many days does Xanax remain in your system?

Hair Follicle
Blood Work

Know How To Manage The Risks For Passing A Drug Test.

Knowing What To Do And What Not To Do Can Make The Biggest Difference For Passing A Drug Test. There are many strategies one can do in conjunction with a detoxification product for passing a drug test. The following steps are an easy way to help pre-cleanse your body. These steps are not necessary with the use of other detox strategies. They simply work to help reduce your risk.

What About The Hair Drug Test?

There is little that you can do to pre-cleanse for a hair drug test. A correctly administered hair drug test is deadly accurate and very hard to beat. A hair drug test can show many medications, prescription drugs or drugs of abuse that were used when any hair on your body was growing. Being bald does not help as they can take hair from other areas of your body.

With special processing the hair drug test can also tell when and how much of a specific drug was used. The drug detection time for a hair test can vary from about 90 days to as long as several years depending on your hair length, the time you used the applicable drug, as well as how the hair test was administered. The only effective way to pass a hair drug test is to use a product with an incredible success rate. The most effective product is the Clear Choice Hair Follicle Shampoo being used in conjunction with the original formula of the Nexxus Aloe Rid as a precursor. One is used during the days leading up to your test. The other is used on the actual day of your test.

What To Do In The Days Before Your Drug Testing:

Learn How To Pass A Drug Test Safely.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages Or Any Over-The-Counter Medications. Stop any vitamin routine you might be utilizing. Above All Try To Limit Or Even Stop Smoking and/or Using. The less your body has to deal with, the faster you will detoxify. You do not want to cause your body to work harder or have more to eliminate.

Take The Time To Get Ready For Your Test. Gather the information and be ready to tell the people at the testing facility of any and all prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or vitamins you might be taking. There are over 250 over-the-counter medications, prescriptions and foods that can cause a person to test positive. Having a copy of all of your prescriptions with you at your test is helpful as well.

Avoid Any Toxins And Stay Out Of Any Toxic Environment. Your first line of defense against contaminating your body is always self-discipline. Don’t let the toxins in and they can not hurt you. As far as failing due to second-hand smoke, this is unknown and unproven. We know of a study where 8 individuals were in a controlled environment smoking marijuana in an unventilated eight-passenger van with the windows up. 4 of the individuals did not smoke and 4 did. Shortly afterwards, all of the individuals were tested for marijuana. Only the 4 that actually smoked tested positive where as the other 4 that did not smoke, tested negative. Our best advice is to simply not risk it before your testing.

Consume Water Continuously – But Not All At Once. Consume a minimum of (4) 16 ounce glasses of water per day over time. Drinking water will help to flush toxins out of your body, especially when combined with healthy eating and exercise habits. Just drink water all day long and urinate as frequently as possible. Suspend this activity the day before your test to allow your body time to re-establish all of the markers many drugs tests look for to see if you are trying to beat your test. This will also avoid any inconclusive result which can typically occur from intaking too much water on the day, and day prior to your test.

Exercise The Week Before Your Personal Deadline. Aerobic exercise raises your metabolism which assists greatly in the detoxification process. We strongly recommend doing this as much as possible.

Remain Active. Walk to the store instead of driving, walk the dog for an extra 30 minutes, climb the stairs at work more often, stand at your desk, etc. Do whatever it takes to boost your metabolism and then suspend this type of behavior on the day of your test.

Incorporate A Healthy Diet The Week Prior To Your Personal Deadline. High fat foods, greasy foods (particularly butters, cream sauces, fried foods, etc) and junk foods have been shown to slow the detoxification process. Eat fiber rich foods, carbohydrates, vegetables and foods high in protein.

Do Not Diet. Eat things that give you energy, but avoid excesses of quick metabolism boosters such as coffee, sugar and products like Red Bull. You want to keep your body metabolism at a steady and healthy pace.

Do Not Skip Breakfast. Eat often throughout the day, but avoid eating late at night when your body turns those calories into fat.

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Urban Legends, Myths & False Facts That Can Cause Trouble.

Learn what not to do to pass a drug test.

Various urban legends, myths and simple tricks have been running around for years about how to pass a drug test. Legends like just drink a lot of water or place something in your urine are well-known. The tests and testing processes have been adjusted to combat such things over the years. These urban legends seem to be most often told to you casually by friends, other "experts" or various unqualified web sites.

Think about it. If these urban legends were so effective, how could anyone rely on the tests to detect drug usage. If these tricks were so effective, any good lawyer would have a field day and make a fortune proving how ineffective these drug testing procedures are in the real world.

If you know these tips, then the testers also know the tips and how to deal with them. The people administering drug tests have seen it all.

The tests and testing methods have long ago been adjusted and still are evolving even today. Like everything else, technology moves forward. People that use these tricks and pass are perhaps just "lucky" as the science does not support their passing using these tricks.

The Real Truth: People that pass a drug test using tricks would have probably passed anyway, but the tricks are still getting the credit.

These Urban Legends Just Won’t Die.

Below are several of the most common urban legends on how to beat a drug test. This is in no way a complete list, just the most common talked about urban legends that still exist today.

Does The Niacin Drug Test Method Work To Pass A Drug Test? The niacin drug test method is also sometimes known as the niacin flush drug test method. First let’s look at what is niacin? Niacin is just Vitamin B3, being one of (8) B vitamins. It is also known as nicotinic acid and has 2 other forms, niacinamide (nicotinamide) and inositol hexanicotinate, which have different effects from niacin.

This niacin flush drug test myth seems to have started as a result of a book written in the ’70s by L. Ron Hubbard, called ‘Clear Body, Clear Mind’. In his book, Hubbard (who didn’t have any medical or nutritional training) laid out a detoxification program. He claimed niacin would help people get rid of all the toxins in their bodies, including prescription and non-prescription drugs and pesticides. At some point in time, someone probably just thought Niacin = Detox = How To Pass A Drug Test With Niacin. Here is where the niacin drug test myth began.

Let’s take a look at the actual niacin drug test instructions.

The Niacin For Drug Test Instructions from the website “Stuff Stoners Like”:

» You’ll first have to stop taking the drug at least three to five days before your test.
» Buy niacin pills and take ’em
» Drink lots of water
» Pee a lot

This niacin flush drug test is just a variation of drinking a lot of water. Taking the niacin does not affect the drug screen in the least.

There is no scientific evidence that niacin helps you beat a blood test. Additionally, high doses of niacin can result in itchy skin reactions (and, at very high doses, liver damage.)

The Bottom Line: If the niacin drug test method was real, the industry would have found a way to eliminate this variable. If you use this method, you are at serious risk.

How To Pass A Drug Test Using Sure Gel? Sure Gel Test Method is based upon a naturally occurring chemical found in plants often used in the production of jams and jellies.

Note: The Certo Drug Test, Jello Drug Test, Sure Gel Drug Test and the Sure Jell Drug Test are the same method.

The Sure Gel Drug Test Instructions from the website “Stuff Stoners Like”:

» About three hours before your UA test, take a few sips off your Gatorade and then drop in a whole packet of Certo.
» Shake until the Certo has completely dissolved in the Gatorade. It will become really thick like jelly.
» Drink it. All of it. It might be nasty but you’ve got a test to beat, man.
» Drink the rest of that gallon of water. You don’t have to chug the whole thing in one sitting, you’ve got several hours before the drug screen.
» Urinate at least 3-4 times before leaving your sample for the UA test to ditch any contaminated urine before the certo bound the THC in your intestines.
» 1 hour before the urine test take that B-vitamin pill to add some color to your urine.

Anecdotal stories claim that pectin coats the walls of either the stomach or the bladder, preventing the passage of drug metabolites. Neither claim is supported by scientific evidence.

This Sure Gel Drug Test Method is just a variation of Drinking A Lot Of Water. You will see that some people say the Sure Gel Drug Test Method works. Many say the Sure Gel Drug Test Method does not work. Can you afford the risk?

Does The Palo Azul Test Method Work To Pass A Drug Test? The quick answer is no.

The Palo Azul Drug Test Method is based upon taking a small amount of Palo Azul and making a weak tea. The palo azul tea is made from the eysenhardtia polystachya herb, more commonly known as kidney wood, which is Spanish for “blue stick.”

The Palo Azul Instructions from the website “Stuff Stoners Like”:

» Put the large pot filled with 1 1/2 gallons of water on a high flame.
» Put in 1 oz of Palo Azul bark into the water when it has started boiling.
» Cover the large pot to stop evaporation. Let the Palo Azul boil for 60 minutes.
» Remove the bark, it has no reason to stay in.
» For the best results drink a gallon of tea the day before you drug screen.

This Palo Azul drug test method yet another variation of Drinking A Lot Of Water. Drinking the Palo Azul teas does not affect the drug screen in the least.

Does The Cranberry Juice Drug Test Method Work To Pass A Drug Test? The quick answer is no.

The cranberry juice drug test method is also known as the cranberry pills drug test . The cranberry juice drug test method is based upon cranberry juice making one urinate.. Some home remedy sources suggest that, by stimulating urination, diuretics help to “flush” a user’s system of drug metabolites. However, this method isn’t well-supported by scientific evidence. Claims that cranberry juice can “flush your system” are unfounded

Heck, if you are going to flush your system for a drug screen, why not use some of the other more effective diuretics like coffee, herbal tea, beer or iced tea. In the end they would be just as effective as the Cranberry Juice Drug Test Method.

This cranberry juice or pill drug test method is yet another variation of Drinking A Lot Of Water. Quoting Ask Men | Common Myths on common myths, a non-biased website: "Some say you can beat a test by guzzling cranberry juice or some other fruit juice before a urine test. Sure, it’ll make you pee like mad, but it won’t do anything to flush drugs out of your system any faster." Can you afford the risk?

Does The Fake Pee Drug Test Method Work? The quick answer is YES.

Fake pee drug test method is also known as the fake urine method. There are a wide variety of synthetic urine on the internet and over-the counter. The Clear Choice Brand product called the Sub-Solution is the #1 selling best synthetic urine on the market. It contains a patented heat activator and is the only type of heat like this in the world. This unisex synthetic urine maintains a 100% success rate as long as you follow the directions correctly. Most of the other synthetic urine products are easily detectable. For your legal protection it is critical that you do not use these methods for any government or legally required drug screen including military, civil service and especially probation as you could end up in jail. They are illegal to own or use in many jurisdictions.

Note: Many labs and collection sites will reject your specimen if they suspect it is synthetic, they might ask you to urinate again under direct observation or send your sample off for a more comprehensive laboratory series of tests that can tell the you’re trying to beat your drug test with synthetic urine.

Does The Fake Penis Drug Test Method Work? The quick answer is possibly.

The fake penis drug test method is also known as the fake dick drug test method or also know as the "whizzinator". The whizzinator was the original fake penis that was used to pass drug tests. It was promoted as a "wet sex simulator" intended to simulate male urination (golden showers) as a clean and non-toxic alternative to using real urine for sexual fetish scenarios.

In October 2008, the feds went after them and shut them down. They won a 19-count indictment against the makers, Puck Technology, and the owners went to prison for 6 months and got probation. Since then, there any many knock-off whizzinators you'll find now. Obviously if you're going to use this method, be certain to purchase the best synthetic urine you can find to use in conjunction with the fake penis.

Does The Fake Urine For Drug Test Method Work? Lab tests today can often indicate that the sample is not from the donor. In a somewhat humorous case, a man substituted his sample with that of his wife. When the specimen failed the temperature test, subsequent lab testing indicated "he" was pregnant. If you choose this method, you might want to test the other persons urine before you use it. You must then be very careful to hide the source from the testers and yet still maintain a specific temperature. Yes, most drug screeners now look for temperature to see if there is substitution. If you get caught, you are in a real bind.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Water? Does drinking water help pass a drug test? The quick answer is possibly depending on the time frames, amount of use and body weight/height..

No doubt you’ve heard about how to detox drinking water. It is true that it will help remove metabolites from your urine for a short period of time. At the same time you will have diluted your urine to the point where natural ingredients that are typically checked for in a urine drug test will not be present. The change of these markers are obvious to the trained individual. If they see any of these markers they will surely be suspicious and will probably add tests, reject your sample or find some way to flunk you.

Does The Pickle Juice Drug Test Method Work? The quick answer is no.

This is just an old myth that carries absolutely no weight what-so-ever. There are no studies or proof that this method will work for you. You'd have a much better success rate flushing out your system with water as opposed to pickle juice. After all these years, this one still sounds comical to us when we hear it mentioned.

Does The Aspirin Drug Test Method Work To Pass A Drug Test? The quick answer is no.

High dosages of Aspirin taken before your test sometimes covers THC by creating a false negative. THIS IS ONLY UNDER IDEAL CIRCUMSTANCES, only for the dip test and not for the more comprehensive laboratory tests. You must be sure of the urine drug test before your attempt this adulteration technique.

How Much Vinegar To Drink To Pass A Drug Test? The quick answer is you can not use vinegar to pass a drug test. Either way, the only thing vinegar does is radically change the pH of your urine if added directly and most current drug screens look at pH as an indicator you are trying to beat your drug test. No one is sure how this one got started. It’s one more home remedy that’s totally useless for passing a drug test. Also, vinegar can decrease the pH of the urine and increasing its acidity. This might accelerate the excretion of metabolites from the fat cells in your body.

Adding vinegar to your urine. These chemicals are acids and bases, so they’ll change your urine’s pH level, but aren’t definitively known to eliminate drug metabolites. Additionally, your tester may be able to tell that you’ve tampered with your test from the smell, appearance, and/or chemical composition of your urine.

Can You Pass A Drug Test For Weed With Visine? The quick answer is no. Visine eye drops are decongestants. Visine works by constricting swollen blood vessels in the eye, which reduces redness. The ability of Visine to help you pass a drug test is troublesome. There is some evidence that adding Visine to a urine sample can affect the outcome of a urine drug test by rendering the drug screen inconclusive at best. That is the positive. The negative is that an inconclusive urine drug test for often is followed by an adulteration test. Visine in urine may be detected various and common adulteration methods.

You'd have much more success rate with popular additives such as the Clear Choice Instant Clean Additive or the Spike Additive. These are obviously much more expensive than Visine, but have a ridiculously high success rate.

Is Drinking Bleach To Pass A Drug Test Safe? Drinking bleach to pass a drug test for can be deadly in any amount.

Adding Bleach (chlorine) to your own urine is another adulterate that is routinely used to beat a urine drug test for meth. Bleach will change the pH to the point you should be dead (they often test for pH) and bleach can easily be smelled. Drinking bleach will blind you and maybe even kill you and yes, people actually try this).

Do not drink bleach to pass a test! These chemicals are acids and bases, so they’ll change your urine’s pH level, but aren’t definitively known to eliminate drug metabolites. Additionally, your tester may be able to tell that you’ve tampered with your test from the smell, appearance, and/or chemical composition of your urine. Never drink bleach. Drinking bleach will blind you and maybe even kill you and yes, people actually try this.

Does The Goldenseal (or Golden Seal) Drug Tests Method Work To Pass A Drug Test? The Goldenseal Drug Test Method was never really effective for helping anyone pass a urine drug test for any toxins. No one knows where this urban legend started. The science just does not support this one in any way. We still laugh at this one even today when people talk about it.

Did you know that the wild plant golden seal (aka Hydrastis Canadensis) is actually becoming less available? This is due to the demand for it because of the widespread use of golden seal to pass a drug test. Make no mistake, golden seal does not work for passing a drug test. People who have reported success with it probably didn't have much of whatever drug in their system to begin with. Meanwhile whatever toxins that did exist in their system had been naturally eliminated.

Does Adding Masking Agent Help To Pass A Drug Test? Masking methods are used to beat a drug test by hiding the drug of concern. Don’t try to mask the urine sample. The testers have seen it all. Most household substances (such as bleach or vinegar) will radically alter the pH of your urine, which will make it obvious that you have tampered with the sample. Diluting the sample by adding water can also raise red flags by changing the color and/or temperature of your urine; a clear sample will probably be rejected offhand, as will a lukewarm one.

blue drug test line

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